SOP List
Sl. No. SOP Subject Download
1. SOP for DCF&S Marking Genuineness of BG []
2. Unrecorded Bargadar Farmer Self-Registration SOP []
3. Farmer Self-Update SOP []
4. Grading of Rice Mills SOP []
5. SOP on Paddy Purchase by doing Biometric eKYC []
6. SOP on login through biometric eKYC by Purchase Officers []
7. SOP on FRK []
9. SOP- View WQSC details by Ry Rice Millers []
10. SOP on Blending Machine inspection []
11. SOP for Pool mapping with paddy procurement centres []
12. Farmer Registration in ePoP []
13. SOP on Farmer Update through ePoP []
14. SOP on Paddy Purchase through ePoP []
15. SOP for CPU Functioning 17.10.23 []
16. SOP-Verification of land and paddy production by BDOs []
17. SOP for Enquiry and Disposal of Non-KB Farmers' Application ver 2.0 (4) []
18. SOP for Add Land Facility in Web-portal []
19. SOP on Add Land through ePoP []
20. SOP for MCPC Module dated 21.2.24 []
21. SOP for Paddy Limit Extension []
22. Order and SOP regarding tagging of more than one device []
23. SOP for purchase of paddy in emergency situations []
24. SOP for User Management []
25. SOP on Inspection Report Upload []
26. SOP on Camp Schedule for mCPC and PPS []
27. SOP for Bank Guarantee Management of empanelled Rice Mills []
28. SOP for Purchase Centre to ePoP Mapping []
29. Failed Transaction in New Portal SOP []
30. SOP on PO-DO Management by DCF&S []
31. SOP for PPS Enrolment Application and Disposal []
32. SOP for Purchase Centre Creation by DCF&S and Renaming by DDPS []
33. SOP on CPC Insfrastructure Report []
34. SOP on Weighing Device Report by PO []
35. SOP on Rice Mill Authorised Representative []
36. SOP for Rice Mill Documents Upload []
37. SOP for Rice Mill Empanelment Application and Disposal []
38. SOP on Rice Mill Vehicle Tagging []
39. SOPs on Pool Mapping and Target Fixation []
40. SOP on Executing BA-I, BA-II and BA-III []
41. SOP on De-linking of Aadhaar, EPIC, KB 26.12.24 []
42. SOP on Self-Scheduling by Farmer []
Download the required software from the link :
Sl. No. Driver Name Download
1. Paddy purchase with biometric fingerprint authentication Video []
2. Secugen RD Service []
3. Secugen Driver For Windows []
4. Precision RD Service []